Intro Script & Email Swipes
Webinar Intro Script
Welcome the Audience to the Webinar and Check for Sound, etc. Just a general warm up.
OK, looks like the sound is working well, so let’s get started
On today’s webinar, my very good friends John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson are going to reveal how you can generate $1,000 plus paydays, by revealing a simple method that has been working for them since 2004... Yes, 2004!!
I've actually seen no other marketer use this business model, let me tell you, this is ground-breaking stuff and VERY simple to implement, and once implemented can generate 1k paydays for just a few hours work.
Basically, you're going to learn the Fastest and Easiest ‘newbie friendly’ way to generate an online income!... And you can start getting REAL results in a matter of hours, plus, you can run with it right after this webinar.
And just so you know, John & Dave have been working online for many, many years, and have generated MILLIONS of dollars online, so they REALLY know what they are talking about when it comes to making money online.
With that being said, I'm sure you want me to get right into this, so I'm going to introduce you to my good friends John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson.
Guys, thank you so much for doing this and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have you on here today. So, now I’m going to turn it over to you, please take it away guys!
Pre Webinar Swipes
The swipes below are based on a 6/7 day email campaign running a private webinar. We have found we get the best results by running a webinar on a Thursday night with the replay ending on the Sunday at midnight.
If you really want to make this work we recommend blocking a full 7 days out of your schedule and committing to sending all of the emails on this page at the times we state.
Of course we can be flexible, and we do have an evergreen webinar you can promote whenever you wish, but a personalised private webinar will always bring the best results.
Pre Webinar Swipe 1: Send 72 Hours Before The Webinar.
Email Copy #1
Pre Webinar Swipe 2: Send 48 Hours Before The Webinar.
Email Copy #2
Pre Webinar Swipe 3: Send on The Morning of The Webinar.
Email Copy #3
Pre Webinar Swipe 4: Send 3-4 Hours Before The Webinar.
Email Copy #4
Pre Webinar Swipe 5: Send 15 Minutes Before The Webinar.
Email Copy #5
Replay Swipes - Based on a 72 Hour Replay
Replay Swipe 1: Send 6 Hours After The Webinar Has Ended.
Email Copy #6
Replay Swipe 2: Send 12 Hours After The Webinar Has Ended.
Email Copy #7
Replay Swipe 3: Send 24 Hours After The Webinar Has Ended.
Email Copy #8
Replay Swipe 4: Send 36 Hours After The Webinar Has Ended.
Email Copy #9
Replay Swipe 5: Send 24 Hours Before The Replay Expires
Email Copy #10
Replay Swipe 6: Send 12 Hours Before The Replay Expires
Email Copy #11
Replay Swipe 7: Send 6 Hours Before The Replay Expires
Email Copy #12