Store Buildr Niche Site Builder Basic Instructions.
OK guys, we've tried to make this as SIMPLE as we possibly can for you, so you can start profiting right away. This is just a quick guide to help you get started fast. There are videos in the members area to show you everything.
1. Upload the contents of the 'Store-Buildr-Niche-Site-Admin' to wherever you like, you can use a new domain name, a sub-domain or even just a folder in your existing domain.
You can use Filezilla to upload, it's free and we'd recommend D9 Web Hosting if you need a domain or hosting.
If you need help with this, we are able to offer you an upload service for your Single Niche Websites, monthly website packages, or your 25 Niche Websites Package. Plus, we also offer a complete 'Done For You' install service too, you can find details on those below:
2. Navigate to wherever you uploaded and add /admin to the end of your URL, then log in with the default username and password:
Username: admin
Password: password
3. Navigate to 'Admin Settings' to enter your unique username and password to secure your admin area, add your name and email for lost password purposes.
4. Use the Navigation menu to customize your website however you choose, adding your 'InstantAzon Advert Code' in the fields provided, remember, this is the code you get from your InstantAzon WordPress Plugin when you 'Generate Website Code'.
You can download InstantAzon from the downloads page.
If you need further help then watch the videos in the members area!